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Creating Your Wellness Plan

I can just smell it now. The sweet scent of relaxation is all throughout the house. Lavendar and eucalyptus fill the air and the gentle hum of the diffuser brings your emotions down from a 10 to a 2. Can you guess what day it is? It’s a wellness reflection day!

For some, that’s day to unwind and pamper yourself after the craziness of the week. For others, its a day of spiritual meditation and study. For me, it’s a little bit of both and its never the same. There are so many wellness and self care bloggers, like myself, that offer suggestion and methods of caring for yourself. With all that knowledge available how can you stay balanced in your routine and assess exactly what you need to recover from that


Let me tell you how I assess my wellness needs and how you can keep your routine spicy yet chill and replenishing.

Assess Your Gratitude

I like to start planning my wellness day or scheduled wellness time slot, with reflecting on the weeks events. Even when I feel that its been the longest week ever or it was just "tew much", I still make myself consider the positive aspects. When you peel the layers of frustration from the week ,you'll see there's something to be thankful for. It might have been something as simple as a free cup of coffee, finally being able to start your workout program, or a meaningful conversation. There's always something to be thankful for.

Decide the Focus of Your Wellness Day

After you've completed your gratitude think about what needs to be refilled within you this week. Have you not had your water this week? Is your skin breaking out from stress? Did your cheat day turn into a cheat week? Remember this is a wellness day for you to reset so if your set goal was not achieved this week set out to start it that day. This is where you can put those self care suggestions to work. Face breaking out? Apply a mask and some lemon water while you relax on the couch. Is you work space cluttering your mind? Open some windows and organize your space for the upcoming week. Hips and back feeling tight from sitting all week? Take that time out to stretch or do yoga to open you back up. Each week this might be different but you are still taking care of you, pouring back into your cup so to speak.

Enrich and Elevate Your Thinking

This is one of my favorite things about my wellness days. I like to make it goal to add some substance to my resting time. I make time daily to read and meditate on a few scripture or verse from the bible but on my wellness days I love to do some deep personal study by reflecting on qualities that I need to cultivate. Depending on the week it can range from maintaining communication well in my marriage to showing self control with money. There's always something I can learn when I take that deep dive into the bible. If your not not religious you can always take this time to listen to a podcast or read a good book. I have a few suggestions we can cover in another blog so let me know in the comments below!

The Importance of Maintaining You

We've talked about how to set up your wellness routine but why? Why is it so important for you to continuously improve yourself? Let's talk growth for a second. I know I'm not the only person that can look back on my experiences and who I was 5 years ago and see some major changes from that time. That's what you want to do! You want to GROW. Let me say that one more time just in case you didn't hear me. YOU WANT TO GROW!!! You want to thrive. You want to succeed family and all of that starts with you! You are your only limiter. If you would have told me just a year ago that I would find my voice enough to share it online I would not have believed you. Through assessing my gratitude, determining a focal point for me wellness, and improving my thinking my self awareness and my brand have benefitted greatly. I hope these tips will help you all too! Make sure to comment on the post of my Instagram if this post helped you!


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